Customisable hand-tufted wool rugs by rug couture

Our customisable hand-tufted light green check rugs provide a high quality look within a short timeframe. All designs are fully customisable - edit colours and choose your size, shape and select required pile depth. All designs can be reproduced in pure wool or New Zealand wool.

1-39 of 39 rugs
Stepi Rug ID 1195455 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481632 from A$355 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 1127779 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638254 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 640013 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1463036 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195255 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 1128399 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638253 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 728009 from A$357 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671701 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481640 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 728013 from A$357 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671689 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1463032 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481436 from A$355 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1126699 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671697 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 640009 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1126700 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 640021 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638249 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 728017 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638258 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195459 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 1126679 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 640017 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195451 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195463 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638250 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638261 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 728021 from A$357 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481628 from A$355 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1463040 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638262 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481636 from A$355 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1463028 from A$349 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462836 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638257 from A$351 m²
1-39 of 39 designs