Hand-Tufted Wool Rugs

Customisable hand-tufted wool rugs by rug couture

Our customisable hand-tufted pink check rugs provide a high quality look within a short timeframe. All designs are fully customisable - edit colours and choose your size, shape and select required pile depth. All designs can be reproduced in pure wool or New Zealand wool.

1-100 of 103 rugs
Plaid Rug ID 638182 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638150 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462732 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195351 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637957 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639909 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639717 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195383 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638029 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1463036 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727905 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638030 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195311 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638146 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481416 from A$355 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671577 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637994 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462892 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637958 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671433 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727901 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638269 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638145 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462772 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727737 from A$357 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727909 from A$357 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671461 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462920 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671469 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727781 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638138 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 640029 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462816 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481372 from A$355 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637978 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671621 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671697 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638181 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638149 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481476 from A$355 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481520 from A$355 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481528 from A$355 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639905 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671709 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 728017 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638258 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462924 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195191 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195459 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195279 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 640017 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481332 from A$355 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638142 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671397 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195179 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727897 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638022 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481384 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727845 from A$357 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639901 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462928 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637977 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195347 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727941 from A$357 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462916 from A$349 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462876 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639753 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638270 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195147 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671585 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195235 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481524 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727789 from A$357 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639941 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481492 from A$355 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638021 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638137 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462760 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195339 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195343 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639789 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481516 from A$355 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639897 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481560 from A$355 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481636 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727753 from A$357 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462784 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638085 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638086 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639737 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 728029 from A$357 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671589 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671417 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 671525 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1195203 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639845 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462960 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1481360 from A$355 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639781 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 638257 from A$351 m²
1-100 of 103 designs