Customisable hand-tufted wool square rugs by rug couture

Our customisable hand-tufted square green check rugs provide a high quality look within a short timeframe. All designs are fully customisable - edit colours and choose your size, shape and select required pile depth. All designs can be reproduced in pure wool or New Zealand wool.

1-79 of 79 rugs
Picnic Rug ID 639045 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639053 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462080 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639113 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637349 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 1127791 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639213 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1599921 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637262 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462024 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727109 from A$357 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194519 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727021 from A$357 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480680 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727213 from A$357 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194511 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480676 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 1128411 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637286 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637350 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637294 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480596 from A$355 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637354 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637357 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639021 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637293 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462156 from A$349 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480684 from A$355 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727113 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1595282 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1595281 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194515 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670793 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480692 from A$355 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462088 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670789 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194583 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637362 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1126711 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 1596941 from A$357 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1602361 from A$355 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1461996 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 1126712 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637285 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637358 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670733 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480624 from A$355 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480792 from A$355 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637261 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480688 from A$355 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194507 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670801 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 1126691 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194451 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670893 from A$351 m²
Downtown Rug ID 1480756 from A$355 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670797 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462084 from A$349 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194503 from A$349 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1602141 from A$349 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639117 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637453 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727117 from A$357 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194623 from A$349 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462192 from A$349 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727121 from A$357 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 1596321 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639109 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 1595261 from A$351 m²
Stepi Rug ID 1194419 from A$349 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670701 from A$351 m²
Picnic Rug ID 639121 from A$351 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637454 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727053 from A$357 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637353 from A$351 m²
Touch of Cloth Rug ID 670725 from A$351 m²
Beaumont Rug ID 1462092 from A$349 m²
Plaid Rug ID 637361 from A$351 m²
Wizard Rug ID 727045 from A$357 m²
1-79 of 79 designs