Customisable shaggy oval rugs by rug couture

Embrace your creativity & easily create the perfect rug for your space from your phone/tablet, laptop or computer.

Customisable shaggy rugs

Sometimes a room calls for texture rather than a hero pattern. This is where our customisable shaggy oval blue violet rugs excel. Our shag pile and braided weave rugs are available in wool, polyester and ultra-glamorous, light reflecting rayon.

100-200 of 240 designs
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Loops Polyester
ID 16980
from A$402 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20841
from A$438 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16508
from A$423 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18405
from A$428 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16483
from A$423 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20311
from A$444 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19859
from A$423 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16520
from A$423 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17910
from A$418 m²
Bobble Pure wool/Polyester
ID 17481
from A$418 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19351
from A$418 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18920
from A$428 m²
Bobble Pure wool/Polyester
ID 17483
from A$418 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 17021
from A$402 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16472
from A$423 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19380
from A$418 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17924
from A$418 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20327
from A$444 m²
Bobble Pure wool/Polyester
ID 17433
from A$418 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16500
from A$423 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19367
from A$418 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18873
from A$428 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20312
from A$444 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20791
from A$438 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20838
from A$438 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19400
from A$418 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20360
from A$444 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20819
from A$438 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16470
from A$423 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16979
from A$402 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19834
from A$423 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17959
from A$418 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20338
from A$444 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17926
from A$418 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20842
from A$438 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19364
from A$418 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16484
from A$423 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 17017
from A$402 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20809
from A$438 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18919
from A$428 m²
Bobble Pure wool/Polyester
ID 17461
from A$418 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19868
from A$423 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17963
from A$418 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18461
from A$428 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20792
from A$438 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19369
from A$418 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19352
from A$418 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18937
from A$428 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17923
from A$418 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20839
from A$438 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20820
from A$438 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16998
from A$402 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18898
from A$428 m²
Bobble Pure wool/Polyester
ID 17501
from A$418 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16489
from A$423 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19881
from A$423 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16966
from A$402 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17927
from A$418 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20339
from A$444 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16501
from A$423 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20359
from A$444 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18407
from A$428 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20313
from A$444 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19378
from A$418 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18921
from A$428 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19421
from A$418 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17940
from A$418 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17981
from A$418 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18923
from A$428 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19353
from A$418 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16988
from A$402 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20381
from A$444 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16954
from A$402 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16963
from A$402 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 17000
from A$402 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19403
from A$418 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16485
from A$423 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16950
from A$402 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19388
from A$418 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18391
from A$428 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18874
from A$428 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19861
from A$423 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18886
from A$428 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19830
from A$423 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18439
from A$428 m²
Slumber Pure wool
ID 20805
from A$438 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18420
from A$428 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 16981
from A$402 m²
Pebblestone Pure wool/Polyester
ID 16518
from A$423 m²
Loops Polyester
ID 17002
from A$402 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17961
from A$418 m²
Shimmer Polyester
ID 19417
from A$418 m²
Feathers Polyester
ID 19882
from A$423 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17977
from A$418 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20340
from A$444 m²
Snuggle Pure wool
ID 17912
from A$418 m²
Bobble Pure wool/Polyester
ID 17482
from A$418 m²
Moroccan Pure wool
ID 18393
from A$428 m²
Serenity Polyester
ID 20324
from A$444 m²
Indulgence Pure wool
ID 18887
from A$428 m²
100-200 of 240
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